My Diet Formula

Sunday 2 August 2015

Skin Care Tip - 3 Super Ingredients You Really Need to See in Any Skin Care Product

We all feel the desire to have great skin although we don't often get to show it off but what better time to do so than summer time.
Over the counter products is one way to enhance that look but because of our different races and skin type finding the perfect product could sometimes be difficult.
In this article Sabrina Fox tells us exactly what to look for in the products we purchase in order to obtain great value.
By the time you finish reading the skin care tip in this article you're going to be much more informed when it comes to skin care products. You'll know what 3 super ingredients you want to see in any skin care products you are considering.
 There are many skin care tips such as drinking plenty of water, not smoking, etc, and those are very important tips. However even if you follow a healthy skin care routine, without superior ingredients in your skin care products all those skin care tips won't get you very far.
 If you're like most people you're sick and tired of skin care products that don't perform. Ironically it's usually the most expensive products that don't get the results. The reason; most of the money used in developing these products go into the fancy packaging and advertising.
 Some of the best skin care products and now being made in New Zealand. The New Zealand companies are using the finest ingredients and using their money in product research and development. For this reason you won't see ads for them on TV or in fancy magazines, you'll have to do a little research.
 With that in mind, my best skin care tip is to make sure that any skin care product you are considering contains the ingredients listed here.

 Ingredient #1-Phytessence Wakame Phytessence Wakame is an exotic kelp coming from the Japanese sea. There is an enzyme in your body called hyaluronidase. Wakame works by blocking this harmful enzyme. Hyaluronidase breaks down the hyaluronic acid in your skin which allows you to retain the water in your skin necessary to keep your skin looking young. Loss of hyaluronic acid also causes dark circles under your eyes. So Phytessence Wakame is a must have ingredient.

 Ingredient #2-Cynergy TK Cynergy TK is a new high tech substance that stimulates your own collagen to grow. In clinical trials it proved not only to stimulate collagen growth but also elastin! This promotes firmness and elasticity, meaning fewer wrinkles, and a more youthful looking healthier skin. It can also help improve your skin to hold its natural moisture. An improvement of 40% in the skins elasticity has been shown in only 18 days in clinical trials. This ingredient works!

 Ingredient #3-CoQ10 CoQ10 is really short for Coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is a very powerful antioxidant that counters the damage caused by free radicals. Aging and skin damage are the results free radicals. CoQ10 is found in all of our body's cells and is very important for the maintenance of healthy skin. As we age we lose the CoQ10 in our cells. CoQ10 is a fantastic ingredient however not all forms of it are the same. The type of CoQ10 that you want is called is called Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10. The CoQ10 found in most skin care products does not penetrate into the skin when applied topically. Nano-Lipobelle H-EQ10 has the ability to penetrate down through 7 layers of skin! This is a very important skin care tip to know. Don't settle for anything less.

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