My Diet Formula

Sunday 12 July 2015

Natural Beauty Treatments - Banish Stress With Herbal Massage

We all appear different in looks in one way or another because of our race and colour. At the same time beauty as it is said is in the eyes of the beholder, however that does not prevent us taking measures to enhance our looks in whatever way possible especially through the use of different over the counter products but did we ever stop to think that stress could have a devastating effect on our skin and hence out looks and beauty?
 Stress is one of the great hidden enemies of your face and skin. It helps to etch the lines and furrows on your face that are the marks of age. And it robs your skin of its glow and softness. Clearly any natural beauty treatment must include a system that brings you total relaxation. There are many ways to relax but few have the elegant simplicity of a herbal massage. Here's the lowdown.
 First, let's look at the ways in which stress affects your skin. For one thing, stress depresses your immune system through increasing cortisone secretion. That means free radicals have more chance to wreak havoc on your skin.
 What's worse, stress is a response to a perceived or imagined danger. So it causes the blood to be diverted to those organs vital for survival. This leads to a reduction in the amount of blood available for the skin, which is the body's largest organ. So your skin is deprived of the oxygen and nutrients it needs for optimal health.
 Stress affects your digestion, too. You must know that knot in your stomach when you're under pressure. Plus your meals become irregular and you tend to east faster when you're stressed. And if your food isn't digested properly, you don't get the full nutritious value. In addition, your system can get blocked with impurities. And under stress, you tend towards fast food, and consume more coffee and sugar, perhaps alcohol and cigarettes. None of these are kind on your skin.
 Stress can also deprive you of the time to relax and exercise. And at night you sleep badly and don't get the rest you need. So how can herbal compresses handle this litany of stressful horrors?
 Herbal massage serves up a double whammy of stress reduction and super skin care at the same time. Here's how it works. Massage itself is great for stress relief. Studies have shown that massage show lowers the heart rate and blood pressure, boosts blood circulation and lymph flow, relaxes your muscles, and stimulates the release of endorphins, the body's natural feel good chemicals. But by using a herbal compress for the massage, you get the added benefits of herbs.
These compresses are bags of herbs which are steamed and then applied to the body's various pressure points. What's more, you can choose the mix of herbs in the compress to suit your purpose. For example, aromatic herbs such as lemongrass are great mood lifters, fragrant flowers work to relieve stress, while sour herbs tone up the skin. You can also dip the compress in oil for a moisturizing effect. The possibilities are endless. So look into adding a herbal compress to your natural beauty treatment regimen. They're easy to prepare and a delightful experience, too.
Thank you Lena.

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