My Diet Formula

Saturday 13 December 2014

Top Tips for Preventing Dry Skin This Winter

Nothing feels worse than dry, flaky and cracked skin. This is a common problem for a lot of people during the winter months when the temperatures are low and the air is dry, especially in Gauteng. In this article we will give you some dry skin care tips to protect your skin from the harsh winter elements.
Humidify your home
During the winter months, our skin suffers mainly because of the lack of moisture in the air. With windows and doors closed and heaters on full-blast, dry air is inevitable. Prevent your skin from drying out by using a humidifier to add moisture to the air. If you don't have a humidifier, an alternative is placing bowls of water close to your heaters.
Keep that pout moisturised
While your lips need TLC all year round; they need lots of extra-special loving during the winter months when the dry, cold air can really cause them to dry out and even crack. If you're not already a fan of lip balm and lip ice, now is a good time to stock up on some and apply it as often as you can.
Make hand lotion your BFF
Our hands are probably the parts of our body that suffer the most in winter and especially after frequent washing they lose moisture very quickly. Make sure you keep hand lotion all over the place; in your bathroom, in your kitchen, on your desk at work, next to your bed and treat those hands every chance you get. Don't forget to keep some hand lotion in your handbag.
Easy itchy scalp fix
Even our scalps suffer in winter, leading to itching and flaking. A head massage doesn't only feel great; it also works wonders for that dryness. You can do this after washing your hair by applying conditioner especially formulated for dry hair. Massage into your scalp with your fingertips while in the bath or shower. This will loosen dry flakes and soothe and moisturise your scalp in the process.
The miracle of Petroleum Jelly
Petroleum jelly is a miracle cure when it comes to dry skin. Here's a great trick for fixing those cracked hands and feet, although it is quite uncomfortable and a little unconventional. Before you go to bed, apply Petroleum jelly liberally and put on gloves and socks. The skin of your hands and feet will feel amazing the next morning. For extra intensive treatment, wrap your hands and feet in cling-wrap before putting on the gloves and socks. You can do this once a week, or once every two weeks.
Winter poses a variety of skin care challenges for most of us but with these tips and a little extra pampering you'll get through winter with soft, smooth skin and without having to worry about Jack Frost ruining your day.
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