My Diet Formula

Sunday 11 May 2014

Top 10 Summer Tips to Looking Good

1. Beauty Tips to Shake Up Your Winter Beauty Routine
Summer is the perfect time to change your daily makeup routine. Avoid heavy, dark eyeliner and eye shadow. In the summer, experiment with light colours.
2. Lighten Your Hair Naturally
If you want sun-kissed locks this season, mix equal parts water and lemon juice in a spray bottle. Spray your hair with the mixture generously. Sit outside in a sunny spot for twenty to thirty minutes. Your hair will have natural highlights. Make sure that you wash your hair after you sit outside for a while. Otherwise, your hair will be sticky.
3. Eat Fresh Fruits and Vegetables
Make sure that you eat several servings of fruit and veggies each day. Fresh fruits and vegetables can help your skin look its healthiest. Additionally, eating healthily will ensure that your stomach is a little smaller for swimsuit season.
4. Summer Skin Care
In the summer, you are probably more active. Sweat can cause your skin to break out more than usual. Make sure that you wash your face with a facial cleanser and moisturise daily. Following this skin care regime can reduce the number of skin breakouts.
5. Walk or Bike to Work
If you live close enough to your office, get there by foot or bicycle and take advantage of the summer weather. Instead of wasting your time in traffic, you will get exercise that will ensure you have the best summer body possible.
6. Beach Body Care
Before you put on your bathing suit, give yourself a body care treatment. Use sugar to scrub off any dry or rough skin.
7. Stay Hydrated
If you enjoy an alcoholic beverage while sitting in the sun, you should know that both alcohol and the summer sun can dehydrate and damage your skin. To offset the negative effects of sun and alcohol, make sure that you drink 6-8 glasses of water each day.
8. Get Beach Hair Anywhere
Even if you are stuck in the office and cannot make it to the beach, you can make your hair look like it just got back from a seaside vacation. Mix a cup of water with two tablespoons of sea salt together in a spray bottle. Shake well to combine. Spray your hair well and scrunch your hair lightly. Your locks will have a great, summery texture.
9. Skin Care For Your Legs
Your legs need special skin car before you show them off on the beach. Exfoliate and then shave them carefully, making sure you get the tricky areas like the knees.
10. Sunscreen
We saved the most important tip for last. Wear sunscreen every day and your skin will thank you later.

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