My Diet Formula

Saturday 28 September 2013

5 Simple Weight Loss Tips For the Holidays

Tip 1: The Math Of Losing Weight

You have to understand that losing weight is like a mathematical formula. This means consuming less calories, just take enough of what your body needs. Find out how much calories you need for your daily consumption and then as a rule of thumb, you will need to reduce your daily calorie intake to around 500 calories if you intend to just lose each pound per week.
Tip 2: Increase Your Meal Intake

Yes, if you think that by eating 3 meals will reduce weight, you may be mistaken. And if you are skipping a meal, it may not be of much use as well. This is because your body will react by reducing the metabolism so that your body will conserve energy and therefore, lesser calories will be burnt by your body. The only result you might get is that you may become hungry but you are still not losing the weight you are targeting.
So next time, instead of having 3 main meals, split into 5 to 6 smaller meals so that you will still have the same 3 main meals but include another 2 small snack times. Just remember to reduce your intake per meal and not filling up your stomach to the brim each time.
Tip 3: Go Green With Vegetables And Fruits

Plenty of fruits and vegetables will be beneficial to your diet plans. So it is time to stock up your fridge. There are plenty of fibre and water in those fruits and vegetables and this helps because it will keep your stomach full. The benefits is because the fibre and water can make our stomach full and yet, our body maintains a lower calorie count because the fruits are relatively low in calories, and fat too. And there are plenty of healthy nutrients so that we can achieve a balance diet.
Tip 4: Start Getting Your Beauty Sleep

Any idea what is the simplest and most effortless way to lose weight? That's it! Sleep. The power of sleep is amazing. This is because it is proven that if you deprived yourself of sleep, you will get hungry easier and have an increase in your appetite as well. And this results in you eating excessively. So remember, get your 8 hours of sleep now.
Tip 5: You Cannot Escape This Tip, Exercise

Well, this final tip is really the most obvious, most important and one that most people hates. There is no magic formula, no quick weight loss magical pill. The best way is to exercise. As simple as that. If you tried your diet plan, and you may be seeing results for the first month, you will most probably reach a plateau. This is because your body is already used to your diet plans and making the necessary adjustments. In order to make a break through to reduce your weight, start exercising at least 3 times a week, with each exercise having a duration of 30 minutes.

Saturday 21 September 2013

Natural Breast Growth - Dietary Tips

Diet plays an amazing role in the battle for natural breast growth. The information presented here will make less of a battle for you as you will be armed with knowledge. There are many articles on what foods to eat to help obtain breast growth. Yet it is also important to know what foods NOT to eat, food which will hamper natural breast growth. Foods which inhibit estrogen are counter productive to achieving your desired results of natural breast growth. This is because estrogen is one of the primary factors for natural breast growth and breast enlargement. Many smaller breasted women have diets laden with foods which inhibit estrogen, which contributes, studies suggest, to smaller breast size. This has been well known in many Asian countries, where smaller breasted women are fed diets with estrogen rich foods. We are what we eat, right? Knowing which foods can inhibit estrogen can aid you in your quest for fuller, firmer natural breasts. Also note many refined foods such as corn syrup and refined sugar, can lower the the effectiveness of the endocrine system. The endocrine system helps the body to create estrogen.
Foods that inhibit estrogen include:
• All fruit except: apples, cherries, dates, and pomegranates
• Broccoli
• Buckwheat
• Green beans
• Millet
• Onions
• Tapioca
• White rice
Now there is another food group to avoid. This would be foods that enhance Testosterone Production in the female body. Testosterone is mostly a male hormone, although all women have some Testosterone in the body, much the same as all men have some estrogen in them. However problems can result from diets in women which enhance the production of Testosterone in their body's. Problems result for women when there is an excess of Testosterone in their body's due to the resulting hormonal imbalance that the excess Testosterone causes. For many women with higher than normal Testosterone, it is the result of her diet. If you do have a hormonal imbalance effecting your natural breast growth, there are a few herbs which aid in restoring hormonal balance, such as berberis aristata and withania somnifera. Of course cutting out the offending foods from the diet in the first place will often correct this issue for many women.
Foods that boost Testosterone and should be avoided include:
• Asparagus
• Avocado
• Bananas
• Beef
• Broccoli
• Brussel Sprouts
• Cabbage
• Cauliflower
• Celery
• Cottage cheese
• Eggs
• Figs
• Garlic
• Oysters

Saturday 14 September 2013

Itchy Skin Rashes: Causes and Remedies

There are several reason which could cause skin rashes. Following are some of the common causes of having skin rashes.

1. Skin irritation is considered to be one of the very many major reasons for having skin rashes. The irritation makes people to go for scratching that specific area of the skin, which results into causing skin rashes.
2. For some people, getting into contact with certain objects or sometimes having certain food material that happens to be not suitable for that person results into forming rashes throughout the skin.
3. Poisonous plants as well as other dirt particles might get into the human system which might not be suitable for that person and thus causes allergic rashes which sometimes gets to become a medical issue.
4. Jewelry and certain fabrics happen to be causing allergy to certain people that result into skin rashes.
5. Sometimes viral infection causes rashes on the human skin. The infections could be very harmful for the entire human system and the rashes thus formed might actually require medical treatment at a later stage.
6. Exposure to certain parasites and insects might cause allergy and might result into getting rashes on any person as well.

 Remedies that would help someone get rid of such itchy skin rashes.

1. The very first thing that is required to be done in order to get rid of itchy skin rashes is to find out the reason that is causing the rashes. Once the reason is found out, the remedies could be made out accordingly.
2. Using medically approved products against such rashes could be really helpful when it comes to treating such itchy rashes.
3. One of the very obvious things that usually increase the chances of having rashes is the tendency to itch that particular area of the skin. Thus the very first thing that one needs to do in order to stop causing rashes is that, that person needs to stop itching the place. This is because itching it is very harmful and makes that part of the skin much more prone to infection.
4. Taking a very fresh bathing could help the skin get rid of the infection prone viruses. The ultimate goal is obviously to get rid of allergies and rashes. Thus cleanliness and wearing fresh and clean clothes is also very important.

Saturday 7 September 2013

Exercise Helps Relieve Menopause Symptoms

Why Exercise is So Important
While regular exercise is important for all women, it is especially important for those approaching or going through menopause. Regardless of whether you have or have not always been physically active, the benefits of a fitness regime during menopause are enormous. Not only will it help to prevent weight gain, it will also sustain and improve muscle mass and it will assist in avoiding the loss of a defined waistline and the dreaded middle-age spread. According to, exercise combined with a regular intake of vitamin D can slow bone loss during and after menopause, which will reduce the risk of osteoporosis and fractures. Of course exercise is also proven to prevent many health problems including diabetes, heart disease, hypertension and certain types of cancer.
Menopause and Its Effect on Our Bodies
Menopause is an important transition in a woman's life and it is a time when she must take extra care of herself. Menopausal weight gain can lead to major health issues such as type 2 diabetes and heart disease. Regular exercise will not only reduce the risk, it will also increase your feeling of well-being and improve physiological health, although of course this applies at any age. Menopause in most cases seems to creep up on us, but generally speaking the average age is 48 to 55. The symptoms are many and can vary from woman to woman and it can also have a profound effect on mental well-being and cause severe depression, but there is a lot of help available to learn how to cope with menopause, so it is crucial to seek early guidance to avoid worsening symptoms. Menopause affects women in different ways and there are no hard and fast rules. However, one thing is certain: Millions of women around the world are going through it and will eventually be grateful that they no longer have to plan around those pesky monthly cycles. There is a bright side!
The Right Type of Exercise
Many people have a hard time finding space in their schedules for exercise, but even 20 minutes a day is better than nothing! Aerobic exercise like brisk walking, dance, kickboxing or even running is great because it is energetic and exercises every part of the body, while yoga and Tai Chi are great for increasing your flexibility and relieving stress. Of course you should include any physical activity which will increase your heart rate and exercise large muscle groups to fully take advantage of the cardiovascular benefits. Regular strength training will help to increase lean body weight and boost your metabolism. Build up slowly and set goals which you can increase as you become more fit. Remember that you should always check with your doctor before beginning any exercise program.