My Diet Formula

Saturday 17 August 2013

Trouble Losing Weight?

You are doing everything right: You exercise on a regular basis, you follow a healthy diet, you minimise your alcohol intake and you drink loads of water daily.
But whenever you weigh in, the numbers do not reflect all of the hard work you have been doing!
If you do not get enough Zzzzzz's every night, your body experiences physiological stress and you store fat more efficiently. If you are fatigued, have low energy levels, you doze off easily or you are feeling more irritable than normal then you may need to adjust your sleeping pattern if you want to lose those pounds!
Some prescription drugs may also affect your weight e.g medication to treat depression, mood disorders, seizures, migraines, blood pressure, hormone imbalances and even oral contraceptives may cause a weight gain of a few pounds!
One of the major medical conditions causing extra weight gain is hypothyroidism, which is a deficiency of a thyroid hormone that decreases metabolism and causes appetite loss and weight gain.
If you feel fatigued, lethargic, swelling, hoarse voice, intolerance to cold, sleeping too much or you have headaches then you should definitely see your doctor ASAP!
Another very rare condition known as Cushing's Syndrome, which is a disorder caused by an excess of the hormone coritsol which is known to cause weight gain.
Some of us are emotional eaters and we grab all we can find to stuff our faces when we are stressed. Many people also binge on starches to help them feel better. Sometimes we may note even be aware that stress is causing us to eat more so look out for these signs of binging.
Unfortunately women cannot get around menopause! Estrogen favors fat deposition in the lower body and when this hormone decreases as one approaches menopause, so fat is more likely to be deposited in the midsection area. This extra "spare tyre" is affectionately calles the "menopot". Good advise for ladies approaching menopause is to boost estrogen levels naturally.

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