My Diet Formula

Thursday 31 December 2015

How to Shed Pounds Fast and Never Have to See Them Again!

Nobody wants to carry around unwanted pounds. Losing weight can be hard to do, especially if you're leading a hectic life or have more than a couple of pounds to lose. But there are a few simple and easy things we can use to shed pounds fast and never see them again.

 Shed Pounds Fast Tip #1: Eat 3 small meals and 2 snacks a day. Each meal should be approximately 2-360 calories(depending on your needs). A great breakfast when you're on the go is a healthy smoothie or shake. Each snack should be approximately 1-200 calories. Small and frequent meals help speed up the metabolism. The metabolism is our bodies natural diabolic furnace that sets the timer on our bodies' ability to burn fat. If our metabolism is not active, fat will stay and so will pounds.

 Shed Pounds Fast Tip #2: Drink 8-12 8 oz. glasses of water a day. Our bodies is made up of over 70% of water. Water is the basic element and necessity of life and all living things. It is impossible to lose weight and pounds without sufficient hydration. Just like a vehicle that needs water for lubrication, so does our body. Without sufficient water, our body has a tendency to store fat faster. The more exercise you do, the more water you will need to stay hydrated.

 Shed Pounds Fast Tip # 3: Exercise at least 4 times a week for 20 minutes each I know that most people might object with me. You might see a lot of experts saying that the minimum should be 3 times a week, but I differ. I believe that when you are initially needing to shed those pounds, it is important to get the metabolism going. Nothing does this better than exercise. Not just any exercise, but Cardio or anabolic exercise. Kickboxing is a great metabolism booster and its great on the lower body if you have had any injuries.

 Shed Pounds Fast Tip #4: Sleep at least 7-10 hours a night Sleep is not given enough credit. When we sleep, our body recovers from the stress of our daily lives. Our muscles need enough oxygen and sleep to efficiently process new muscles and release unwanted fat. After a long day at work, hustle and bustle of the children and late dinner, our bodies' need 7-10 hours(depending on our individual needs) to re-cooperate. Your body will tell you if you are not getting enough shut eye.

 Shed Pounds Fast Tip # 5: Do meditation or some form of stress relief Stress is natural cause of weight gain. When I am stressed, I often eat more sweets, cakes, carbs, etc. As you would guess, this really adds on the pounds. If we keep the stress in our lives balanced, we won't have the tendency or desire to overeat or binge on junk food. Meditation, yoga and other stress relievers are available to help with this. Some might find spiritual assistance or guidance to help with this also.

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