My Diet Formula

Sunday 17 May 2015

Natural Breast Growth Methods Versus Surgery

For women there is two ways to go about obtaining larger breasts. The common way is via surgery. The traditional way takes time and yes, effort, but this is the way to obtain natural breast growth. If you want larger, firmer and fuller breasts there is but two options, that of natural breast growth or that of surgery. Many women today have chosen either method. This article will discuss the pro's and con's of each method. To make the best choice for oneself, one must arm themselves with knowledge on the topic at hand. While everyone knows of the surgical means, not everyone knows of the traditional natural breast growth methods. In this article we will discuss both.
Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most popular invasive surgical procedures around the world. Millions of women have suffered ill side effects from cosmetic surgery and breast augmentation. The Federal Food and Drug administration banned silicone breast implants in 1992. They use saline filled implants now, though these have a much larger chance to leak then the banned silicone implants do. Women with any type of breast implants have a 21% higher chance at getting cancer then a women of the same age without a breast implant. Implant patients are three times as likely to to develop lung cancer well. Often times women get a scar under their breasts with Breast augmentation surgery that is rather unsightly. Unsightly scars kind of defeat the purpose of the surgery in the first place.
The other method, that of natural breast growth, has been around over 2000 years. Old cultures long knew of the power of diet, herbs, and exercise to enhance and enlarge the breast. Ancient cultures from china, Rome and India have all practiced 100 % natural breast growth methods. The Romans used Angelica herb and the Chinese used Dong Quai to help aide in the quest for larger breasts. In India exercise was used to promote healthy breast growth, specifically the art of yoga, a form of exercise originating in India. Some people have even had great success incorporating yoga, dietary changes, herbs and hypnosis for all natural breast growth. Achieving larger breasts via natural breast growth methods is often much less expensive then surgery. The changes in diet can also effect other areas of ones life, such having more energy, self confidence and over all well being.
Today many more women then ever before are turning to all natural means to achieve the goal of healthy, larger and firmer breasts, without the costly means of invasive breast augmentation surgery. There is also a certain satisfaction that comes with having a nice set of all natural breasts, untainted by surgery. men for certain love the all natural look. In today's society more and more people frown upon breast augmentation surgery. The best part of all natural breast growth methods, is that no one needs to know you even did anything to achieve the results, as these results happen over time, gradually.

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