My Diet Formula

Saturday 11 October 2014

How to Avoid Getting the Flu: Top Ten Ways to Protect Yourself and Stay Healthy

With the media attention, and the potential for rapid spread, many have become concerned about their own personal safety. While this may seem like a new problem, the precautions are the same ones you have heard for years. Here are the top ten ways you can protect yourself from the flu.
  1. Wash your hands! Wash or sanitize before eating, after restroom use and often in between.
  2. Keep your hands off your face, especially eyes, nose, and mouth.
  3. Cover your cough. Ideally cough into your sleeve at the crook of your elbow (prevents hand to hand to hand, and hand to surface, spread). Dispose of tissues properly and then wash your hands.
  4. Keep at least an arms distance (three feet is recommended) between you and anyone known to be ill.
  5. Avoid crowded events and gatherings when possible. Wear a mask if you are concerned.
  6. Use extreme precautions when touching common-use items such as ketchup/mustard/salt/pepper/menus at a restaurant, or multi-use areas such as desks, tables, light switches, faucet handles, key boards, chair backs, water fountains, phones, magazines, doorknobs, and etc.
  7. Wash hard surfaces regularly with a sanitizer or bleach solution. Carry hand sanitizer and use regularly. Note: Always wash with soap and water if hands are visibly dirty.
  8. Keep your immune system strong by eating properly, exercising, getting adequate rest, and proper vitamin and mineral supplementation.
  9. Stay home when you are ill with a fever and respiratory complications.
  10. If you become severely ill with fever and massive aches and fatigue, seek medical attention within the first 48 hours of the onset of symptoms (earlier the better) to seek an antiviral medication. This can reduce the severity of symptoms and the duration of the illness.

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