My Diet Formula

Sunday 20 January 2013

Diet and fitness tips to help change your body shape

Getting healthy and into shape comes with the month of January, so we've enlisted the help of personal trainer and nutrition expert Dax Moy to share his knowledge.
He explains what it means to change your body shape and provides useful tips to get you into shape this New Year.

‘Most people have got the wrong end of the stick when it comes to changing body shape. They think it's a calories in vs calories out equation and this has them finding more and more ways to cut back on the important nutrition that's vital to their health and engaging in more and more exercise that, in the long term, is guaranteed to create problems.
Getting a great body isn't just about managing calories, it's about managing HORMONES. Every single exercise session you do is a stimulant for a hormone release. So is every meal. What this means is that if you don't pay attention to what you're doing in the gym or how you're eating (not just how much) then all your time and all your effort may be lost. Worse still, it may give you the completely opposite effect to the one you wanted.
So, some simple yet powerful things to keep in mind when trying to get into great shape this year:
1. You are what you eat - You know this already but are you LIVING this truism or simply nodding your head at it.

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