My Diet Formula

Tuesday, 23 April 2013

How to put on Makeup

Apply Face Makeup

Start with a freshly-washed face, (and hands, too). Get a facial, or do one yourself. You want your face to be a clear and smooth canvas for you, the "artist," to do your art. Use a good deep-cleansing mask. Do not exfoliate if you have oily or sensitive skin. It will spread bacteria around your face from the already existing blemishes. Use antibacterial soap if you have acne. Also be sure that you replace the towel you use to dry your face every week. Lastly, apply toner by taking a cotton pad that has been dampened in warm water and sweep it over your face. Toner will restore the pH level of your skin and pick up any remaining dirt. Make sure you look pretty. Try thinking of a good cleanser that you can use. Then apply toner, and moisturizer.

    Massage a light moisturizer into your face no matter what skin type you have. Always avoiding the eye area. You could also apply your moisturizer with your foundation brush or sponge if you have one. This will help oily skin dry, and dry skin become smoother. Wait a few minutes for it to soak into your skin.

Apply a foundation primer before you apply any foundation or tinted moisturizer. The foundation primer will smooth out the skin surface, make applying foundation easier, and make your makeup last longer.

Apply a sheer foundation that matches your skin tone. Tip: If a liquid foundation has SPF in it, it's NOT good for taking flash photography. Use the ones without SPF instead if you don't want to look too flashed out on your face.

To find the right one, go to the makeup counter at a local department store and have the artist there help you.

Wear illuminator to make your skin appear youthful and dewy compared with dull, matte makeup. Skin illuminator's come in powder, cream, mousse, etc. L'OrĂ©al®, Revlon®, Neutrogena®, and other brands make them - it's like make up with tiny particles that reflect light.


Use a makeup sponge or wedge, starting around the hairline and working your way down. (Use the wedge for this routine because you can be more precise about where the make up goes.) If you want a proper look that looks as if it has been done by a professional makeup artist, try using a foundation brush.
Remember to apply the makeup all the way down to your throat area and keep blending so you can't see where the make up ends. Nothing is worse than looking like you have a mask on your face.
Around the eye area, do very light strokes inward, toward the inner corner of your eye. Don't apply it to your upper eyelid. All of the professional makeup artists say not to apply foundation to this area. This is why you need a foundation that matches your skin. If you want foundation to darken your skin then try putting it above your eyes, and see what you like. Be gentle with this part, because the skin is very delicate and sensitive here.
Apply concealer to any red or discolored spots. In the corners of your eyes, where it's red, around the nostrils, and under the eyes (to make you look more awake) are good places for this. Do this after applying foundation, so you don't use too much. First apply the concealer, then pat very lightly with your finger to blend. Only apply concealer to the area that you want to conceal. Afterward, use the wedge to blend the concealer in with the foundation. Stand back away from your mirror to see if you have effectively concealed the areas. Try to stand about the distance away from the mirror that you stand away from people when you talk to them. Another way to conceal blemishes is to pat green concealer on the blemishes and red spots, then put foundation over top (the green reduces redness).

    Apply a loose powder all over the face using a powder brush. Pat it into the powder; then, with a paper towel, tap the brush so the excess falls off the brush. Lightly brush across the whole face. Use a powder puff (small) to apply powder on the upper lid. Apply a bronzer to your forehead, cheeks, and chin, to give a sun-kissed look,if wanted.

Highlight your brow bone, cheek bones, and cupid's bow by applying a light powder just below the brow, and to the highest part of your cheek.

Apply a small amount of blush to the apples of your cheeks. Smile so you can see the apple of your cheek. Start the application at the apple and drag the blush outward toward your temple, following your cheek bone. Blend the color down a bit below your cheekbone in towards your earlobe.

If you added too much color to the brush, use the clear side of your wedge to blend it in more until the color is faded out a bit. Your cheeks should have a hint of color. You don't want to look like a clown.
Contour your face, especially if you have "hidden" cheekbones. To do so you will need a brown tone of powder, don't make it ultra brown, but a milk-chocolatey kind of color. Apply a it on the brush and apply it under your cheek bones, starting from the temple and going down until underneath the apple of your cheek. Don't make it too obvious as it's meant to look like a shadow. Then, on top of your cheek bones take a white or really light skin tone powder and apply it, right between your eye and your cheek bone, again until the temple, and voila. You have cheek bones.

Take a fluffy powder brush and blend everything together, so that there are no visible lines or excess powders.

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