My Diet Formula

Sunday, 30 August 2015

Sickness and Diarrhoea

Diarrhoea can be defined as frequent watery stools caused by an increase in the wavelike movements (peristalsis) that occurs in the intestines. It produces a right feeling of sickness and may come about because of a variety of reasons, some local, others systemic.

Diarrhoea could be classified as:
 a) Acute - which is a sudden change in the consistency and the frequency of the stool.

Causes of acute diarrhoea:
  i)  most is mainly the result of contaminated food and drink brought on after eating out.
 ii)  viral illnesses eg viral gastroenteritis
iii)  sensitivity to excess alcohol

Treatment of acute diarrhoea:
It is said that diarrhoea is one of natures way of getting rid of bugs. Sickness and acute diarrhoea once it is not excessive or blood stained is often left to run its course and all that is needed is adequate fluid replacement.

 b) chronic - frequent watery stools lasting longer than two (2) weeks.

Causes of chronic diarrhoea:
  i) diabetes
 ii) malabsorption
iii) food allergies
iv) stress
 v) irritable bowel syndrome

Signs and symptoms:
a) Persistent watery stools
b) dehydration
c) generalized weakness
d) exhaustion
e) Fluid loss if severe leading to
                                       i) electrolyte imbalance
                                      ii) irritability
                                     iii) reduction of urine out put
                                     iv) dry skin
                                      v) weight loss

Treatment of chronic diarrhoea:
With sickness and chronic diarrhoea it is advisable to start medication to treat and heal:
a) Where the diarrhoea is severe, fluid and electrolyte imbalance should be corrected.
b) The cause of the diarrhoea should be investigated and therapy such as antibiotic administered if bacteria is the causative agent.

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