My Diet Formula

Sunday 29 June 2014

5 Tips To Burn Calories Without Exercise

Here are the top 5 tips to burn calories without exercise:
  1. Cold Water: It has been found that drinking ample amount of water increases the metabolism rate of the body by almost 30%. But if you drink the same amount of cold water, the metabolism rate goes up to 40% which is a significant growth. This is because cold water lowers the core temperature of the body due to which the body needs more energy to lift the temperature for which the excess stored fat is burned.

  2. Stand: One of the easiest ways to burn calories is just by standing and walking around. Most people have desk jobs where one just has to sit and stare at a computer for the whole day. It is essential to de-stress your eyes from the constant strain which is why it is advisable to get up from your chair and walk around a bit. Sitting on chair can burn one calorie per minute but standing up can burn up to 6-8 calories per minute and walking will increase that to about 12-14 calories.

  3. Playing: Playing any physical game is considered as an exercise but it is often forgotten that playing with kids is one of the best joys. It does not feel like an exercise but it burns more calories than one can imagine as when playing with kids one tends to burn off huge amounts of calories without even knowing it.

  4. Household chores: Doing household chores can give you the much needed work out that is required by the body to burn calories. So get involved in household work and finish up your chores so that you can have a satisfied and healthy life and lifestyle. It will result in you having a cleaner house and a healthy body.

  5. Healthy Diet: Experts recommend eating healthy and fresh food so that the amount of saturated fats and sugar (which are the main reasons for excess calories) can be reduced significantly. Fresh fruits provide the body with much needed vitamins, antioxidants, etc and fresh veggies provide crabs, proteins, minerals, etc. Eating home cooked food is beneficial to burn calories as they do not contain excess chemicals that are used by packaged foods.

Sunday 22 June 2014

Effective Health Tips For Healthy Living

We live in a day and age when scientific advancements and medical breakthroughs happen on a regular basis. We can live healthy lives than what most of our ancestors could even dream of. Yet, we find a large percentage of the population going through sickness and disease of one kind or another. Sadly, most of it could have been avoided through healthy living habits. Many people adopt wrong habits that lead to health issues. Here are some health tips to live a healthy and productive life.
Mental Hygiene
Most people assume that health problems are produced purely by physical causes. However, research has shown that the mind could be the cause of a large number of ailments. Fear, stress, anxiety, bitterness, anger, jealousy, uncontrollable rage, and a variety of other destructive emotions can lead to a number of health complications. Having a positive outlook arising from a peace that comes from within is essential for a healthy life.
A clear and alert mind is required to control one's day-to-day activities. Discipline and focus are also virtues that arise out of a clear mind that is in total control. A wayward mind can lead to a number of destructive behaviors that in turn cause health issues.
Healthy Eating Habits
It goes without saying that we are predominantly what we eat. Developing healthy eating habits is therefore extremely crucial in maintaining good health. Eating a balanced diet that incorporates a healthy dose of nutrients, vitamins and minerals will ensure that the body receives it daily dose of all the essential components it needs to function efficiently.
Many health problems can arise from over-eating too. Obesity is one of the leading causes for a number of health problems in the developed world. People now need to run on treadmills or cycle on stationary bikes just to burn off the excess food that they have consumed. Quite often, the tendency to overeat could also have mental causes. Therefore, the need for mental hygiene once again needs to be stressed.
Exercise Routines
It is important to follow a healthy exercise regimen to keep the body in top working order. A sedentary lifestyle could lead to a number of health complications. Today's office environments are a leading cause for this condition. People therefore need to give their bodies a total workout to be in good health. In order to stick to a strict schedule, the role of the mind is again involved. The mind is therefore instrumental in maintaining a healthy body.

Sunday 15 June 2014

Fat Loss Tips for a Flat Stomach This Summer!

Reduce Stress and Lose Weight
Stress activates the cortisol hormone which feeds fat in our abdomen so stress is linked to obesity. My favorite method to reduce stress is exercises including cardio workouts like boxing or running. Boxing is my favorite sport so I love this hobby with a passion. I also like reading, playing video games, riding dirt bikes, meditation and relaxing with some good sleep. A study in 2012 revealed that stressed out parents is linked to childhood obesity because parents are more likely to eat fast food and make poor meal planning. Keep your stress levels down so you don't activate the hormones that make you fat.
Plan Your Meals
A good idea would be to make a list of groceries for the week and plan healthy meals to prepare at home. This way you will save money, time and eat healthy at the same time. I work during the morning and evenings so I eat a heart healthy breakfast before work and bring me a small meal for lunch and dinner. I save a tremendous amount of money by not eating out and burning gas. I make sure my meals are low in calories but also nutritious to keep me fueled and energized during the day. An example of a meal would be tuna with wheat bread and an apple or a chicken breast sandwich with mac and cheese. Also Dr. Oz recently had a show about weight loss myths and it is recommended that you eat three meals per day instead of five to six small meals. Eating too much creates insulin that stores sugar and you don't give your body time to actually burn fat.
Exercise for an Hour
Don't waste your time or money with countess hours at a gym. Instead go for a jog or run at the park and visit your local Sports Authority store for exercise equipment. I go for a run in the morning or at night and use my exercise bar at home for my favorite weight loss workouts. The standard for daily exercise use to be at least 30 minutes of physical activity but in this 21st-century, It is now recommend that we get about an hour of daily physical activity for fat loss. Cardiovascular workouts like running or biking will burn the calories and strength training will tone those muscles up. My favorite exercises are dips, pull ups and old-fashioned push-ups. Obesity expert, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, says exercise is a great way to tone your muscles and improve your lifespan, but as a weight loss strategy, it is much less effective than dieting.
Get Good Rest
Getting a good night's sleep rejuvenates our body and let's our muscles and joints recuperate after intense workouts. Sleep is a good stress reliever and at least eight hours of sleep prepares us to take on the next day full force. Your muscles need rest after intensive workouts to repair themselves and increase in mass.
Set Small Weight Loss Goals
One of the biggest mistakes we make when trying to lose weight is setting high goals we know we can't achieve and end of getting discouraged when we fail. Instead, set small fitness goals like losing five pounds this month and make small changes to your diet. This way you can track your progress and see slow but sure results.
Don't Fall for the Hype!
Every day there is a new weight loss pill or formula that promises instant weight loss without diet and exercise. If this was true then everyone would be doing it right? The truth is that there is no magic pill or weight loss formula that will make you or anyone else lose weight fast. You have heard it time and time again; "You must follow a balanced diet and exercise daily to lose weight effectively and naturally." Save your time and money to find a weight loss plan that only works for you. There is no one fat loss program that will work for everyone as we all have different body types.!&id=8467762

Saturday 7 June 2014

7 Steps to a Beautiful Radiant Face

We all know by now, to achieve beautiful skin, we need a skin regime. Cleanse, tone and moisturize. Sometimes we use a facial mask, or exfoliaters to bring out the best in our skin.
BUT, there is also something very important that we need to do but we always tend to neglect. What is it?
MASSAGE of course. This facial massage is helpful in promoting blood circulation, draining toxins from the face and stimulating the production of collagen under your skin. Bonus is, it also helps to stimulate some acupressure points along the face. Here is a step by step guide for a more beautiful face:
1) Gently pinch your eyebrows between your thumb and your index fingers. Pinch your eyebrows along from the beginning of your brow till the end. Do it for about 30 times or more if you like. This helps to elevate stress at your eye areas.
2) Apply some pressure by pressing along the entire eyebrow with your index fingers. Repeat this for about 30 times. Steps 1 and 2 helps to reduce dark eye circles too.
3) Lightly pinch the little area between your eyes. Don't press too hard or you will have a stubborn red mark there. The skin here is very sensitive to the touch. This helps to destress tired eyes especially. You can repeat it for about 10-15 times.
4) Make little circular motions on your temples lightly. Let the circular motions be directed outwards, moving from the insides of your temples which are nearest to the eyes towards your hairline each time. Repeat the circular motions for about 30 times to relief stress, the blues and headaches.
5) Slightly part your mouth like you're saying 'O' then press lightly on the cheeks. Repeat this for 30 times and this helps to stimulate collagen production to keep cheeks uplifted and firm.
6) From the sides of the nose, sweep the face in outward strokes with your fingers. Repeat this for about 30 times too. Make the strokes upwards from the sides of your nose towards the cheekbones gently and dont overpull the skin. This helps to drain toxins and water retention. Also, it helps to elevate sinus blockage. For further sinus relief, lightly rub the areas at the sides of the nose.
7) Run your fingers by applying slight pressure along your entire jawline, starting from your chin till your ears. Repeat for about 30 times. This helps to release stress along the jawline. We are usually unaware of how much tension we apply to the jawline as sometimes we tend to clench our teeth unknowingly.

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