My Diet Formula

Saturday, 30 August 2014

10 Simple Tips To Help You Get Rid Of Stomach Fat Fast

1. Keep Yourself Hydrated With Plenty Of Fresh Water
It is essential that you give your body enough water to efficiently flush the bloat and toxins from your system, especially in the high summer heat. Drinking water equates to weight loss.
2. Eliminate Carbonated Soft Drinks From Your Diet
Whether you're drinking a regular soda or diet-soda, both are detrimental to your health. Not only do they dehydrate the body and add nutrition-less calories (regular soda), the carbonated bubbles will bloat your tummy. Try drinking Sassy Water instead of diet soda, regular soda or seltzer. It's a much better alternative.
3. Walk And Talk With A Friend
If you're going for a walk, why not ask a friend to join you? Studies show that an exercise buddy will prompt you to exercise much harder than if you were alone.
Plan a time when the two of you can get together for a weekly walking session, join a gym together, or start a neighborhood fitness group. Get as many people involved as you can. The more the merrier!
4. Reduce Salty Foods Like Pretzels Or Chips
Watch your intake of snacks/foods that contain a significant amount of salt such as pretzels or chips. Because these types of foods contain so much salt, your body will retain extra fluid. Salt is a contributing factor to water weight gain and a puffy, bloated appearance.
So, in order to get a slim, trim tummy - put down the pretzels and pick something less salty to eat instead.
5. Add More Foods Rich In Fiber To Your Diet
Amazingly, your tummy will carry nearly 4% less fat for every 10 grams of fiber you consume on a daily basis. Fortunately, there are easier ways to incorporate fiber into your diet than eating an entire box of Raisin Bran. For example:

6. Boxing Is A Great Way To Get A Flat Stomach
Try aerobic kickboxing or traditional boxing to tighten your tummy. They're not only beneficial for trimming your waistline, but also a terrific cardio workout as well. All those high kicks and forceful punches will impact your abdomen and get those muscles tighter than ever.
7. Work Your Abs By Cleaning Your House
Cleaning your house can be a drag. However, the good news is while you vacuum, you can work out your abs too. As you vacuum, concentrate on contracting your abs while pushing the vacuum back and forth.
8. Canoeing And Kayaking: Two Great Abdomen Workouts
Canoeing and kayaking both provide an invigorating abs workout. Both your upper and lower torso get quite a workout since both of these sports require continuous paddling. The muscles in your lower torso including your abs are constantly stretching, twisting, reaching and pulling for an extended period of time.
9. Avocado Is Beneficial In Stopping Belly Fat
Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFAs). Just half an avocado has 10 grams of valuable MUFAs, which stop blood sugar spikes that signal your body to store fat all around your tummy.
To prevent stomach fat, eat a quarter cup of avocado serving at a time.
10. How Alcohol Affects Belly Fat
Alcoholic beverages are notorious for raising cortisol levels, which send fat straight to the belly. In fact, it's widely known that alcohol will put belly fat on you quicker than anything else you can consume. In order to get rid of your stomach fat, you must drastically decrease your alcohol consumption.

Saturday, 23 August 2014

Important Tips in Keeping Hair Healthy While Wearing a Wig or Hairpiece

Always go for wigs with nylon netting or anything similar.
This allows hair to breathe. Remember nylon stocking caps as well as cotton damages the hairline and dries out hair. If a hairpiece is worn constantly, seek out the help of a professional to ensure there's a proper fit. Getting a custom piece is a good investment, especially if it means keeping the hair and scalp healthy.
Massage that scalp!
During wig wear, the scalp receives less blood flow because these are often tightly attached to the head. Always take the time to promote blood circulation by massaging the scalp. This is especially true for people who wear hairpieces while waiting for hair regrowth. Hair items like these carry amazing benefits particularly those suffering from alopecia, premature baldness or those undergoing serious treatments. However, care should be given that they don't impede healthy hair growth as well.
Never place a headpiece on damp hair.
Not only is this gross, but it also endorses proliferation of germs and fungi. Mildew might also develop because of the amount of heat and moisture sandwiched between.
Always use especially formulated wig hair care products. Regular shampoo or conditioner can contain a higher percentage of alcohol, which damages fragile hair placed under the wig. Meanwhile, using fibre wigs means there's no moisture inside so having a good shampoo with matching conditioner is advisable. Individuals using hair loss treatments only need to make sure that these can be used together with wigs so they won't cause extra damage to the hair.
A hairpiece should be treated like skin.
Not that many people think about it, but a wig or hairpiece should be treated with attention like people take care of the skin. Extreme exposure to the sun or constant rainy, windy conditions can damage it. There's also the constant friction for long wigs against clothing, which causes it to fray.
Take off the wig or hairpiece before hitting the sack.
This is very important! A lot of users think they can keep wearing their falsies even when they sleep. Some items are made with high quality so they can withstand a bit of rough use, but chances are sleeping in with a wig will harm the product in the long run. Constant friction when sleeping can tear the base of the piece. Apart from that, if wearing the wig the wrong way, or too tightly, when movement happens it can damage the existing hair resulting in hair loss and damage.

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Do You Really Need To Wash Your Hands

Hand washing is the beginning of infection control. This is an indisputable fact. Not simply a statement. Also, does it matter how we wash our hands, I think so. Simply rinsing you hands with water isn't good enough. You need to wash your hand with both soap and water and the temperature needs to be on the hot side. Why? Because of the oils on your skin, the germs can adhere to your skin so simply rinsing with water will not get rid of them. The soap forms a bond with the oils and will take the germs with them. Also, the heat of the water opens the skin pores and releases some of the bacteria in them.
Here are some interesting facts:
One half of bacterial infections don't respond to antibiotics any longer.
Only an estimated 22-63% of medical personnel wash their hands between patient contacts.
There are an estimated 1.5 million infections per year that occur in long term care facilities.
Direct touching transmits 80% of common infections.
There are approximately 22 million cases of food poisoning with 10,000 deaths per year, which the FDA say is, cause by lack of hand washing.
Seniors and the disabled are 10 times more likely to die from food poisoning than the rest of the population. This accounts for 1/3 of the US population.
The top cause for food borne illnesses is poor hygiene
The top cause for poor hygiene is lack of hand washing.
The above stats were gotten from the Food and Drug Administration and the Center for Disease Control.
Living in a fast paced society leaves little time for many people to stop and wash their hands. They are not thinking about the consequences of their lack of action. However, you as the disabled person must pay attention. Why? Because as I stated above, you are 10 times more likely to die from food poisoning than the general population. This is a fact folk not fiction. Most individuals who are disabled are exposed more frequently to health care providers from doctors to nurses' aids. Not all of them take the time to wash their hands, thus exposing you to infection. The remedy here is to ask the medical provider whether they are a doctor or an orderly to wash their hands before they touch you. Don't take a no for an answer.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

How To Stay Slim: Why Calorie Counting Doesn't Work

Everyone knows they shouldn't have too much salt and sugar or the wrong kind of fat so we'll skip that conversation.
Your first step to stay slim (or healthy) must be "eating right." If you follow our basic principles there will be no counting calories in your life. You'll be able to eat whenever you're hungry yet always stay slim.
Here is our basic guideline for food selection:
• Eat foods as they are found in nature- in their original condition.
• If it has an ingredient list you need to read it. If the list includes ingredients that come from a laboratory you most likely should not buy it.
• If it comes in a bag, box, or can (any kind of package) then there's probably a better choice to make.
Your mainstays will be lean meats and fish, legumes, fruits and vegetables. You will be visiting the spice aisle. Keep everything else either off your list or the exception to the rule.
Calorie counting won't create a struggle-free approach to staying slim. Here's why:
• Calories only reveal a number.They don't reveal specific content- ingredients called flavor enhancers or flavor potentiators that will confuse your body's hunger signals.
• Calories alone don't speak to specific nutritional needs for assorted nutrients.
• Calories don't identify whether your selection is a whole food or highly processed food that should be avoided.
• Calories don't govern your appetite and either control or drive your cravings.
Instead of first being calorie conscious focus on choosing foods that either don't need a label or foods with 100% of their ingredients made by Mother Nature.
Here is your game plan for getting slim and staying that way- or for good health in general:
1. Eliminate from your life all foods containing chemical additives. As much as possible eliminate processed foods.
2. Learn to recognize your body's "true hunger." Let true hunger dictate when and how much you eat.
3. Exercise moderately and consistently.
Eliminate processed foods from your diet. Don't confuse real whole food with edible creations made in a laboratory. The purpose of chemical creations is not to nourish- it's to drive cravings and subsequently drive sales for that product. We call this Frankenstein food "cravage"- our hybrid word (crave and garbage) for foods created in a laboratory to drive cravings while providing no significant nutrition.
Eating cravage is shooting yourself in your fitness foot. Cravage distorts your appetite and confuses your body's hunger signals, making you able to eat inordinately large quantities of food. You won't know if you're eating because you're hungry or because something tastes good. You won't know when you're satiated and you'll undoubtedly overeat.
Your body's true hunger must drive the quantity of food you consume at any given time. When your body is free of chemical additives you'll be able to trust a physical feeling to let you know it's time to eat. You won't need to look at a clock for validation. True hunger will tell you it's time to eat.
Eating whole foods free of chemical additives makes you able to stop eating when your hunger has been satiated- a fundamental habit for staying slim.
You'll learn how many calories you need after you are in the habit of eating (whole foods) when you're hungry and stopping before you're stuffed.
Here are some additional points to remember:
• If you regularly find yourself feeling stuffed, then you're regularly overeating.
• Think in terms of bites rather than portions. If you savor every bite you'll have a better chance of recognizing your tipping point of enough but not too much- before you've consumed too many bites. Don't swallow anything that isn't worth swallowing. No mindless mouthfuls.
• Require that your food be nutritious and delicious. One without the other will not suffice.
Everyone needs exercise- not just fat people. Design an in-home exercise plan for days when time is short. Including an at-home workout in your fitness plan is perhaps the #1 secret to sustaining your fitness habit through the myriad phases of life.
Any exercise is better than none, provided it isn't surreptitiously leading you to injury. We advocate weight training for many reasons- partly because it doesn't just burn extra calories while you're exercising.
Strength training with weights gradually changes your body's ratio of fat to muscle, increasing your basal metabolism. This is a fundamental advantage of weight training. Weight workouts can be designed for anyone- regardless of size or fitness level.
Once you have the habits of working out and eating right you'll have an easy time maintaining your desired weight. When these two habits are in place calorie counting could come in handy. If you eat a bit too much one day, you'll know how to go light for the next meal or two. Instead of peanut butter and jelly on bread you can leave out the bread or nibble on frozen blueberries or baked garbanzo beans.
Being fit feels good and half of fitness is eating well. Eliminate Frankenstein food from your life to get in touch with your true hunger. Lift weights to change your body's ratio of fat to muscle to increase your basal metabolism.