My Diet Formula

Saturday, 31 August 2013

Dry Skin Solutions! Discover 3 Simple Tips To Help Treat Dry Skin

Tired of dry skin? Do you have a bathroom full of products that don't work for you? You're not alone! With exposure to sun, wind, hockey arenas and Canadian winters, as well as too many products that have stripped the skin of its protective barrier, it's hard to know which products are right for dry skin.
Your skin is meant to be dynamic. Healthy skin is plump and looks vibrant, while dry skin becomes thin, less elastic and dehydrated. Have you ever used those super-fast hand dryers in a public restroom only to be shocked at how loose your skin actually is?
Dry skin is not usually hereditary; it is usually self-inflicted! Repeat exposure to harsh elements like weather as well as chemicals in skincare products can cause red, itchy, dry or sensitive skin.
Products that contain parabens, formaldehyde, fragrances and alcohol often dry out the skin even more. The general rule to help dry skin is to use a regime with less product and fewer steps.
So, which products are best for you? Luckily, there are some easy tips that can help improve your skin and have you looking younger and feeling better, without expensive medical treatments:
Skin Tip # 1: Cleanse.
This is a critical step every night to remove make-up, dirt, and dead skin cells. It's best to take your make-up off with a gentle make-up remover first. Use a small amount of cleanser that is fragrance-free; mild cleansers don't lather much so you don't need to scrub hard. Use your hands instead of a scrubber, and lukewarm water. Hot water will cause your skin to dry out faster. With dry skin, you should only use a cleanser at night, in the morning; just give your face a rinse with lukewarm water instead of cleansing.
Skin Tip #2: Tone.
A toner is a liquid that is used to remove any leftover dirt and helps to restore the ph balance of your skin, as well as reducing pore size to help your skin look smoother. Dry skin needs a toner with no alcohol, and it should be enriched with natural ingredients that help to soothe the skin but not eliminate the natural oils. Sometimes gentle toners are called fresheners.
Skin Tip #3: Moisturize.
You've heard of the real estate mantra "Location, Location, Location"; the key to dry skin is "Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize"! Keeping your skin well hydrated is the key to minimizing fine lines and wrinkles and to help prevent pre-mature sagging (think of that super dryer!). A good moisturizer will penetrate to the deeper layers of the skin, and can calm skin and reduce dryness, redness and inflammation. Moisturizers don't actually add moisture to the skin; they seal in the existing water so that it doesn't evaporate. You can moisturize up to 3 times per day, and moisturizer should be applied within a few minutes of your cleansing routine.

Wednesday, 28 August 2013

Beautiful Skin Begins With Good Nutrition

As our largest organ, our skin performs a variety of functions including protection, temperature regulation, insulation and sensation. The skin is constantly renewing and replenishing its cells at the astonishing rate of 30,000 to 40,000 cells per hour. At this rate, the entire epidermis, the outermost layer of the skin, is replaced approximately every 35 days.
  • The skin is our first line of defense against external and environmental factors as it provides a major barrier against pathogens, viruses, and other foreign substances.
  • The ability of the skin to hold water, regulate the release of water from the body, as well as providing waterproofing protection, is critical for maintaining health.
  • The skin contains an extensive network of nerve cells that allow us to feel the sensations of temperature, pressure, touch and injury.
  • Melanocytes are the skin cells responsible for the production of melanin in response to ultraviolet light. Melanin absorbs UV rays, shielding underlying tissues from damage.
  • Just as the dermis regulates body temperature through the production of sweat and by evaporation to cool the body, it also maintains internal body temperature by controlling red blood cells. When the body is hot, red blood cells in the dermis expand, allowing heat to be released through the surface of the skin.
  • Skin cells, with the assistance of sun's ultraviolet B rays, produce vitamin D. Ten to fifteen minutes of daily sun exposure without the use of sunscreen will produce approximately 10,000 IU's of vitamin D, depending on individual skin color.
Some of us are born with flawless skin. While genetics does play a role in the look and condition of our skin, nutrition, good skin care and lifestyle habits all have an effect. In fact, nutritional status plays a very important role when it comes to the maintenance of healthy skin. Macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins and fats) and micronutrients (vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients) work together to maintain the barrier function of the skin while dealing with the daily challenges of pathogens, chemicals and environmental pollution. In other words, nutritional status that supports skin structure and function can also directly affect skin appearance in positive ways by fighting acne, minimizing wrinkles and enhancing your skin's natural beauty. To rejuvenate our skin and maintain a youthful appearance, we need to provide the right nutrients for our skin including these vitamins and minerals:
  • Antioxidants - The skin is constantly exposed to high concentrations of oxygen, UV light, and oxidizing chemicals, highlighting a role for antioxidant vitamins in skin function.
  • Vitamin C is critical for strong, healthy skin as it plays a role in the production of collagen which keeps skin supple and tight.
  • Vitamin E helps to moisturize the skin and has the potential to overwhelm unstable free radicals believed to be destructive to skin tissue.
  • Vitamin A promotes cell turnover and is one of the most widely acknowledged nutrients for the skin. Foods that support skin health include tropical fruits, broccoli, almonds, whole grains, carrots, pumpkins seeds, oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines.
  • Thiamine - Part of the B complex of vitamins, thiamine helps ensure normal cellular functioning of the skin, and strengthens the skin's outer protective barrier, locking in moisture and keeping irritants out. Foods high in thiamine include nuts and seeds, pork, and fish, such as tuna and pompano.
  • Zinc - Normal epidermal cell growth relies on adequate amounts of zinc. Zinc is an essential mineral that assists in the proper structure of proteins and cell membranes and improves wound healing. Foods containing zinc include oysters, beef, peanuts and crab.
  • Selenium - Selenium is required in the production of glutathione, a free radical fighter. Foods high in selenium include pork, shellfish, bran and fish.
  • Essential fatty acids - Known to be anti-inflammatory, omega-3 fatty acids aid in the reduction of inflammatory skin conditions and improve overall skin health. Foods that contain omega-3 essential fatty acids include flax seeds, walnuts, cold water fish and enriched eggs.
Poor nutrition and unhealthy habits contribute to skin problems including sun damage, wrinkling and a dull complexion. Take responsibility for skin health by eating a healthy amount of colorful plant foods, using sunscreen, exercising regularly, not smoking, hydrating with water, managing stress, and getting adequate amounts of sleep each night. The beauty of skin is that you can care for it both internally and externally. Lotions and creams with vitamins and minerals can help to lock in moisture, minimize wrinkles, smooth roughness, improve skin tone and give the appearance of younger, more youthful looking skin. As you make the lifestyle changes necessary to prevent or minimize the signs of skin aging, you should begin to see through that newly radiant, vibrant skin into a body full of health and vitality.

Saturday, 24 August 2013

Natural Cures For Fibroids - Getting Rid Of Fibroids With Natural Steps

Studies show that fibroids usually occur on people with hormonal imbalance. When the amount of estrogen in the body is high, then a person is likely to suffer from this condition. Therefore, most natural cures for fibroid usually involve ways on how to lessen the amount of estrogen in the body. In this article, we are going to talk about some of these ways.
Losing weight and having a healthy diet are ways to lessen estrogen. The female hormone estrogen is normally stored or created in the fat cells. With this, it will be advisable to lessen the fat percentage of the body. You can do this by losing weight. A healthy diet that is low in fat and high in fiber is very useful in getting rid of the unwanted fats that may fuel the production of fibroids. Aside from a healthy diet, you can also start doing regular routine exercise in order to burn the fats stored in the body.
Increasing your water intake can also help in fighting the fibroids. Water is a universal solvent and it is showed in many researches that water is very effective in flushing out the toxins that are present in the body. When there are fewer toxins, the organs can function better. When the organs are functioning well, the body will be able to fight conditions better including the problem with fibroid.
Aside from water, you can also drink some herbal teas such as ginger tea or burdock tea. These teas are known for their ability to shrink the fibroids in the body. According to some studies, two cups of herbal teas a day can help a lot in eliminating the fibroids and avoiding surgical procedures. They can also lessen the pain and the swelling in the body.
Caring for the liver is another effective natural way of curing fibroids. The liver is very important because it helps in removing toxins in the body. However, when the body is reeking of toxin accumulations, then the liver will be overworked and it may produce more estrogen than usual. This situation can worsen the fibroids and can also damage the liver. Therefore, you need to help your body get away from toxins by drinking a lot of water and by avoiding foods that are rich in preservatives. You also need to detoxify from time to time. If you want more straightforward ways on how you can maintain a healthy liver, you can ask your doctor for medications or supplements such as milk thistle.
Vegetation that can be found in the sea are rich in iodine. Iodine is very helpful in treating fibroids especially those that occur in the uterus. A good serving of sea greens with your diet everyday can help a lot. Examples of healthy sea vegetables include seaweed and sea kelp.
Fibroids are not very dangerous threats to the body. However, they need to be treated immediately in order to avoid any complications such as pains and swelling. Try these natural cures and avoid the need for expensive surgical procedures.

Tuesday, 20 August 2013

Positive Thinking: Some Tips for Getting Started

Some tips for positive thoughts
When deciding on your positive thoughts it is generally best to use something you have thought of yourself, but here are a few suggestions to get you started in case you are stuck.
These are positive thoughts that will challenge existing negative thoughts in a gentle way that should help you to gradually overcome them.
If I wanted to become more confident about my appearance:
  • "I am not so bad looking"
  • "There are some things I like about the way I look"
  • "There are things I can do to improve my appearance"
If I want to increase my confidence in personal relationships or attracting a partner:
  • "It's possible there is someone out there for me"
  • "There are things I can do to meet people"
  • "I have known people who like me"
If I am keen to improve my career situation or find a job:
  • "It is possible I could find a job"
  • "I might get the job I want"
  • "There are things I can do to improve my chance of getting a job"
  • "Someone has to get the promotion, it might be me"
If I want to have more money or want financial freedom:
  • "I might make more money in the future"
  • "Having money can help me to help others"
  • "A little more money wouldn't hurt"

Saturday, 17 August 2013

Trouble Losing Weight?

You are doing everything right: You exercise on a regular basis, you follow a healthy diet, you minimise your alcohol intake and you drink loads of water daily.
But whenever you weigh in, the numbers do not reflect all of the hard work you have been doing!
If you do not get enough Zzzzzz's every night, your body experiences physiological stress and you store fat more efficiently. If you are fatigued, have low energy levels, you doze off easily or you are feeling more irritable than normal then you may need to adjust your sleeping pattern if you want to lose those pounds!
Some prescription drugs may also affect your weight e.g medication to treat depression, mood disorders, seizures, migraines, blood pressure, hormone imbalances and even oral contraceptives may cause a weight gain of a few pounds!
One of the major medical conditions causing extra weight gain is hypothyroidism, which is a deficiency of a thyroid hormone that decreases metabolism and causes appetite loss and weight gain.
If you feel fatigued, lethargic, swelling, hoarse voice, intolerance to cold, sleeping too much or you have headaches then you should definitely see your doctor ASAP!
Another very rare condition known as Cushing's Syndrome, which is a disorder caused by an excess of the hormone coritsol which is known to cause weight gain.
Some of us are emotional eaters and we grab all we can find to stuff our faces when we are stressed. Many people also binge on starches to help them feel better. Sometimes we may note even be aware that stress is causing us to eat more so look out for these signs of binging.
Unfortunately women cannot get around menopause! Estrogen favors fat deposition in the lower body and when this hormone decreases as one approaches menopause, so fat is more likely to be deposited in the midsection area. This extra "spare tyre" is affectionately calles the "menopot". Good advise for ladies approaching menopause is to boost estrogen levels naturally.

Saturday, 10 August 2013

The Danger Of ''Chemical Burns''

When most people think of burns, they think of hot stoves, blazing fires, or boiling water - things which cause damage through heat. While heat burns are indeed very common, other types of burn injury exist which are equally harmful but require different methods of treatment. One of these other types of burn injury is the chemical burn.
Like heat burns, chemical burns can occur in a variety of ways, and not just in an industrial setting with volatile chemicals bubbling in vats. Many household goods contain chemicals which are useful when handled correctly, but can cause serious damage when accidents happen.
The majority of chemical burns are caused either by strong acids or strong bases. While these dangerous chemicals are more often found in factories and manufacturing plant, some examples can also be found around the house. Toilet bowl cleaners, bleach, and drain cleaners are all products used around the house which, because they contain strong chemical components, can be dangerous if used incorrectly.
Chemical burns are very different from heat burns in several ways. Whereas heat burns are caused by various sources of heat and are generally alike in all ways except severity, chemical burns can be caused by different substances entirely, thus producing different symptoms and requiring different remedies. Some factors in heat burns however, are also important in chemical burns. For example:
- The location of the burn - burns are more serious if on a sensitive area such as the groin, buttocks, or face.
- The condition of the skin - both heat and chemical burns can destroy the protective layer of skin. Not only does this usually indicate a serious injury, but also makes the victim more vulnerable to infection and shock.
- The time - duration of exposure to heat or chemicals makes a difference. In both heat and chemical burns, quick treatment is essential to prevent further injury.
In most cases, it is a good idea to contact emergency services or poison control center when faced with a chemical burn. Many chemical burns may appear harmless on the outside, while causing serious damage under the skin. Because of the variety of chemicals which can burn, untrained people may have a difficult time treating chemical burns. If you or someone near you suffers a chemical burn, here are some steps you can take while waiting for medical personnel to arrive:
- First, get away from the accident site. This reduces the risk that either you or the victim will be exposed to more of the dangerous chemical, either in solid, liquid, or even airborne states.
- Next, remove any clothing which has been in contact with the chemical in question. It is very important to limit exposure to such dangerous substances.
- Finally, gently brush away any solid particles and rinse the affected area with cool running water for at least 20 minutes.
Remember, if the victim experiences any symptoms of a severe injury, such as dizziness, shortness of breath, seizures, or irregular heartbeat, contact emergency services immediately. As mentioned above, time is of the essence when treating chemical burns.

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Know The Facts - Why Are ''UV Rays'' Harmful?

Everyday you may have spent too much time on your outdoor activities. Do you ever wonder what is called to that ray of light that you feel on your skin? That ray of light that touches your skin is called ultraviolet rays. But do you really know what these are? Ultraviolet rays also known as UV rays are part of the energy coming from the sun which is invisible to the human eye. They are part of the electromagnetic spectrum with visible light and different forms of radiation like microwaves and radio waves. There are three types of invisible UV rays namely UVA, UVB and UVC. Although ultraviolet rays have several positive effects to your body and skin, they are still dangerous due to the fact that the negative effects brought are too alarming. Because of this, a lot of people including you are asking why UV rays are harmful. The following reasons will let you know why.
  1. UV rays can damage your eye which can lead to cataract or blindness.
  2. Too much exposure under the sun will break the skin molecules resulting to the development of three main kinds of skin cancer namely basil cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma.
  3. UV rays are dangerous from mid morning to late afternoon which can cause serious skin damage. The sun and UV rays can cause damage to your skin as fast as fifteen minutes.
  4. Ultraviolet rays can make your lips dry which cause breakage.
  5. UV radiation can cause premature aging by destroying the collagen and connective tissue at the top layer of your skin.
  6. It penetrates your skin by breaking the skin molecules apart which damages the cells.
  7. It has a suppressing effect on your immune system.
  8. It damages synthetic materials, weakens plastics and other consumer items like nylon and polystyrene.
  9. UV rays change the color of fabrics or paintings as absorbed by many pigments.
  10. These are some of the brief explanations you can take as answers when you're being asked why UV rays are harmful.
But ultraviolet rays have positive effects too as stated earlier. It strengthens your bones and teeth at the same time it helps your body in making vitamin D. It helps the nervous and immune systems combat against diseases like cancer and diabetes. UV radiations are used in light therapy to treat psoriasis and vitiligo. It even helps people in sleeping disorders like snoring. Because your skin is so sensitive taking care of it is very essential. Being well informed about why are UV rays harmful can help you take safety measures such as applying a sunscreen lotion before going out which is a good protection. Best of all, regulate your sun exposure to keep your skin healthy.

Saturday, 3 August 2013

How To Increase Breast Size Naturally By Massage

Increasing Breast Size Naturally

If you are less than pleased with what nature gave you as far as breasts are concerned, you will be pleased to know that there are many natural techniques that have been used for centuries by women with small breasts who want to go up a cup size or more. Some of these techniques include using various foods and herbs that contain natural breast growing properties.
Certain exercises can also be used that target the pectoral muscles that are underneath the breasts. When these muscles grow through targeted exercises, they can give the illusion of bigger breasts.
Another of the popular methods on how to increase breasts size naturally is by massage. This technique goes back to an ancient Taoist exercise known as the female deer that has been used for thousands of years.
The primary purpose of this exercise is for gynecological health. It does this by regulating female hormones which has many benefits for women and can help to prevent many conditions that result form hormonal imbalance in women such as fibroids, ovarian cysts, endometriosis, etc.
The secondary benefit of this breast massage which is why it is one of the best tips on how to increase breast size through massage is that it helps to stimulate breast tissue which can lead to an increase in breast size.

How to Increase Breast Size by Massage

Massage helps to increase the blood circulation around the breasts. Hormones that can increase breast size travel through the bloodstream and if your breast area is stimulated through massage which allows more blood to flow around the breast area, this will allow your breasts to pick up breast growing hormones such as estrogen (natural or plant based) more easily.
This may help to increase the size of your breasts if the massage is performed on a consistent basis. The massage should not take more than 30 minutes a day to perform and complete. It may seem like a lot but if something is important to you, you will do whatever it takes. Basically, in order to perform the massage, you will use your palms and massage your breasts in a circular motion.