My Diet Formula

Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Diabetes Mellitus - An Introduction

Diabetes Mellitus, more commonly known simply as diabetes, is a condition that is characterized by abnormally high glucose in the bloodstream generally caused either by the body's incapability to generate enough insulin or the incapability of blood cells to effectively absorb insulin produced by the body. Common signs of the disease are frequent urination or polyuria, uncontrollable thirst or polydipsia, and unexplained hunger or polyphagia.

Three Major Types of Diabetes

1. Diabetes Mellitus Type 1
This is caused by the inability of the pancreas to produce enough insulin. It can come in one of two kinds either immune-mediated or idiopathic with most cases being of the first type. 10% of Diabetics possess type 1 of the illness. To date there is still no known method of preventing the development of the condition. It is also puzzling to experts that most people with the condition are generally healthy and have an ideal weight before diagnosis. The illness can develop at any stage of one's life but it starts to manifest itself usually during the toddler years earning it the nickname juvenile diabetes.

2. Diabetes Mellitus Type 2
This condition is brought about by the body's inability to properly make use of the insulin secreted by pancreas and is in rare cases also accompanied by insufficient insulin production. It is the most common type of diabetes. It is believed that defective insulin receptor cells are what cause insulin resistance. The biggest symptom of this illness is hyperglycemia or alarmingly high levels of blood sugar. It is the easiest type to prevent because healthy eating and enough exercise can greatly mitigate its development. During the early stages a healthy diet is enough to manage the disease and help the individual lead a normal life. In advanced stages medication that mitigates the liver's ability to produce glucose or drugs that improve the sensibility of insulin receptor cells can be taken.

3. Diabetes Mellitus Gestational
This is type 2 diabetes that develops only during pregnancy and disappears after child birth. It also requires the same form of management which is healthy eating and enough exercise to keeps blood sugar levels stable and prevent weight gain. It is however a little harder because the health and nutritional needs of the unborn child also need to be considered. It should be dealt with accordingly even if it tends to remedy itself because it increases the risks of child birth and may also result to the baby developing type 2 diabetes in the future.

Saturday, 27 July 2013

Water Intake - 5 Tips For Drinking More

How can you drink more water each day? Several suggestions come to mind.

#1 - Start your day with a glass or two of water.

#2 - Drink a glass or two of water prior to eating. This fills you up and you probably won't be able to eat as much. This is a "win-win" situation for you IF you are needing to lose a few pounds!

#3 - Purchase a BPA-free water bottle from your local sporting goods store. Choose one that has visible markings on the outside in ounces and/or milliliters so you can be aware of how much you have yet to drink. Then, carry or have your new water bottle with you everywhere! The environment will also appreciate this "green" gesture.

#4 - Since water is often substituted for by another beverage...If you stop at your favorite coffee shop each day, choose a smaller cup. Or, if you buy a pop in the vending machine at work each day, choose to carry to work an 8 ounce can purchased at the grocery instead of the larger size bottle you get from the machine. You'll save money and will likely be able to drink more water in both situations.

#5 - Recently our department where I work purchased a water cooler that has filtered and TASTY water. This past summer I "treated" myself to a home water filtering system. These two changes have made all the difference for me! Encourage your boss to "treat" you and your co-workers to great tasting, clean water. I know I enjoy the taste of the water much more and I'm more likely to drink it!
Life is about making small changes that make a big difference. Trying to drink more water will save you calories and money in the long haul. You will also feel better as a result. So, with the holidays approaching and all the additional calories from holiday food to "tease" us, making water the drink of "choice" will more likely keep the scale tipped in your favor!

Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Health Effects Of Smoking - For People Wanting To Quit Smoking

Cancer as number 1 health effects of smoking
1. Lung cancer: This is always and have to be listed number 1 on any list of known health effects of smoking. After all the smoke containing nicotine and other deadly substances stay in the lungs before it is exhaled. Significant amount of these substances remain in the lungs and cause cancer in the long run.
2. Oral cancer, throat and esophagus: Cigarette smoke naturally passes through these body parts during the process of smoking therefore they directly affected by the deadly substances in the smoke. After years of smoking cancer can hit these parts even at a young age but often people at age 40 are affected.
3. Stomach and colon cancer, cancers of the cervix, pancreas, bladder, and kidneys. These are body organs that are not directly in contact with the poisonous smoke from cigarettes. But over many years of smoking the toxin buildup in the body helps restrict the flow of oxygen throughout these organs causing the cancer decease.
Other health effects of smoking
1. Smoking can affect the reproductive organs of men and women causing problems on fertility. Substances from cigarette smoke are also known to have caused major effect on sexual organs resulting to male dysfunction; such as erectile and less pleasure during sex.
2. Cigarette smoke can affect the health of unborn babies. Affected fetuses during pregnancy is known to be born smaller with immune system being weaker than normal babies. Substances from smoke inhalation is carried throughout the mothers body including breast milk for their babies.
3. Slower growth and more susceptible to viruses. Kids growing up in a household where their parents smoke cigarettes tend to grow up slower. In addition, they are easily infected with colds and infections because of their lower immune system.
4. Wrinkled skin throughout the body. Regular tobacco smoke inhalation affects the skin too. Skin becomes wrinkled due to the excretions of toxin build up throughout the body and coupled with less oxygen. This excretion process leaves the skin dry hence wrinkled making the person look older than normal.
Articles and reports about the dangerous effects of smoking have been and are constantly published by government agencies and even tobacco manufactures to help smokers quit. They are told that smoking cigarettes can cause cancer and even death but they completely ignore these warnings. When asked why they smoke cigarettes; they reason that they are cool with it and that they are tough and young and could decide on quitting anytime they want. But for people wanting to stop smoking we have listed some of the health effects of smoking that can help motivate themselves to successfully quit smoking cigarettes.

Saturday, 20 July 2013

Health and Fitness

10-minute abs workout


Stomach crunch

Target: abdominal muscles
Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Place your hands on your thighs, across your chest or behind your ears. Slowly curl up towards your knees until your shoulders are about three inches off the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and lower down slowly. Perform 12 stomach crunches.
  • Don’t tuck your neck into your chest as you rise
  • Contract your abs throughout exercise
  • Don’t yank your head off the floor

Oblique crunch

Target: oblique muscles
Lie on your back, knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Roll your knees to one side down to the floor. Place your hands across your chest or behind your ears. Slowly curl up towards your hips until your shoulders are about three inches off the floor. Hold the position for a few seconds and lower down slowly. Perform 12 oblique crunches and repeat on the opposite side.
  • Don’t tuck your neck into your chest as you rise
  • Contract your abs throughout the exercise
  • Don’t yank your head off the floor


Target: low back and core muscles
Lie on your front propped up on your forearms and toes. Keep your legs straight and hips raised to create a straight and rigid line from head to toe. Your shoulders should be directly above your elbows. Focus on keeping your abs contracted during the exercise. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds and repeat 8 to 10 times.
  • Don't allow low back to sink during the exercise
  • You should be looking at the floor
  • For an easier version, perform plank with knees on the floor

Side plank

Target: low back and core muscles
Lie on your side propped up on an elbow. Your shoulder should be directly above your elbow. Straighten your legs and raise your hips to create a straight and rigid line from head to toe. Keep your neck long and shoulders down and away from your ears. Keep your abs contracted during the exercise. Hold this position for 5 to 10 seconds and repeat 8 to 10 times. Repeat exercise on the other side.
  • Keep your hips forward during the exercise
  • Don't let your low back sink 
  • For an easier version, perform side plank with knees on the floor

Stomach crunch with legs raised

Target: lower abdominals
Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor, hip-width apart. Place your hands across your chest. Slowly pull your knees into your chest, keeping them bent at 90 degrees, until your buttocks and tailbone come off the floor. Hold the position for a moment and lower down slowly. Perform 12 crunches.

Tuesday, 16 July 2013

What is a balanced diet?

What is a balanced diet?

A balanced diet that is made up of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals.
It's recommended our total daily calorie intake should comprise of:
  • Fat - 30-35%
  • Protein - 15%
  • Carbohydrates - 50-55%
Vitamins and minerals come from a range of foods within the three food groups mentioned.


Protein aids your body's growth and repair. It's essential if you exercise a lot because it helps with muscle development. Good sources of protein are:
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Eggs
What if you're a vegetarian or vegan? Don't despair, you can still find protein in the following foods and include them as part of a balanced diet:
  • Nuts
  • Seeds
  • Beans
  • Pulses


The perils of eating too many carbs have been well documented, but they are important to include as part of a balanced diet as carbohydrates provide our body with energy. There are two types of carbohydrates - sugars and starches:
  • Sugars are simple refined carbs found in white bread, chocolate and biscuits. These type of carbohydrates are less filling and have a higher calorie count.
  • Starches are unrefined complex carbs that the body takes longer to break down. As a result they fill you up for longer, provide more long-term energy, and contain more vitamins and minerals. Good sources of complex carbohydrates include wholewheat bread and pasta, potatoes and brown rice.


Fat gets bad press but certain types are essential for a balanced diet and healthy functioning of your body. Good fats are found in vegetable sources such as nuts and seeds.
Avoid unhealthy saturated fats - these are what you'll find in higher fat dairy products, the visible fat on meat and processed meat products such as sausages, pies and pates.
Steer clear of unhealthy trans fats which are found in many processed products and takeaway foods.


The most important vitamins are vitamins A, B6, B12, C, D, E, K and folic acid. A healthy balanced diet that includes lots of fresh fruit and vegetables should provide you with most of these. If you think you're not getting enough vitamins, try taking a daily multi-vitamin supplement.


Essential minerals include calcium, iron, magnesium, selenium, potassium, sodium and zinc. As well as fruit and vegetables, fish and dairy sources provide a lot of minerals. So if you're a vegan you may have to keep a special eye on your mineral intake.

Saturday, 13 July 2013

Electrolytes: What's the Big Deal?

Electrolytes are minerals found in your blood and other body fluids that carry electrical impulses (think nerve impulses or muscle contractions) to other cells. They are what your cells (think nerves, heart, muscles) use to transfer voltages across their cell membranes.
In simpler words, electrolytes help your body function optimally, sending the correct messages through your fluid and across the cells. (Think muscles contracting and relaxing, and nerve impulses sending the right directions out to parts of your body.)
The major electrolytes you body needs are:
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Bicarbonate
  • Phosphate
  • Sulfate

All these minerals are extremely important for muscle, heart, and brain function and to keep your body's acid-base balanced.
When you exercise heavily or live in a very hot tropical area, sweating can cause you to lose electrolytes through the salty residue on your skin. That means that the fluids inside your body systems and especially your cells are missing key ingredients to function.
So sports drinks were created with minerals added to help with this imbalance. But sugars and artificial (read chemical) flavoring were added to make it taste better. So you get the bad with the good.
Coconut water is chock full of these minerals in an all natural liquid that is so close to your body's fluids that it has been used as an intravenous solution in times of emergencies in other countries.
Read the labels on the different coconut water brands and you will see how perfect coconut water is for replacing needed electrolytes in your body. Or better yet, drink pure CW from a young green coconut.
Dehydration and losing electrolytes can be a very dangerous state for a body to be in. Electrolyte imbalance will interfere with all the functioning systems in your body, resulting in serious problems. Make healthy coconut water a part of your daily fluid intake especially if you exercise a lot. Balance is the key and coconut water is the way to keep that balance in a pure, natural way.

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

24 Secrets to Perfect Skin

1. Regardless of what type of cleanser you use, cream or gel, is extremely important to remove it after you do the job. Any remaining traces of cleanser can irritate the skin, causing dry skin or red spots. Therefore, using cleansing is very important.
2. Give up the towel for drying your face. If not, use a new one every day, because bacteria multiply with amazing rapidity. Otherwise drying your face with a towel, you risk doing more harm than good.
3. Massage your skin to improve blood circulation and to get rid of bacteria. With your fingertips, massage with circular fine movements, clean the forehead, cheeks and chin with cleansing, then remove it with a tissue.
4. Cleaning the skin is not just for outside your body. You need to have care of what happens inside your body. Therefore, it is good to drink lots and lots of water. Also in the morning, a cup of warm water with a slice of lime is very effective for removing toxins developed during the night.
5. Be careful when you clean the sensitive area around the eyes. Use instead of your normal face cleanser, a special one for the eyes.
6. Radiator heat is great for the body, for your comfort, but not as good for skin because it dries it. Put a pot of water on the radiator in your room to maintain a proper humidity level.
7. To look good, your skin needs fresh air, clean - why do not you put a plant in your room to absorb impurities in the air? If you're not sure what kind of plant, just go to a plant shop and ask there.
8. The skin around the eyes is very thin and delicate. That means rich in fat creams are too strong for it. Choose, instead, lighter formula - such as gels.
9. Even if you have oily skin, you still have to use a moisturizer. Choose one without oil but with a special formula for oily skin. It softens and moisturizes the skin without leaving it greasy and without blocking the pores.
10. Hydrate your skin regularly with a water spray.
11. If you feel tired, just put the water spray in the freezer and after a few minutes use it on your face, you will feel so good and refreshed.
12. If you have problems with dark circles around your eyes, you should eat foods rich in potassium. Bananas are full of potassium.
13. When you begin a treatment against pimples, remember the two months rule: use the product for two months and only then, if you do not see any improvement, try something else. However, if did not worked for two months, it will never work.
14. When searching through the supermarket or pharmacy for products against pimples, open your eyes and read if they contain salicylic acid. It is a miracle ingredient which unblocks pores and prevents pimples.
15. If you feel you lost in the fight against pimples, you should really go to the doctor. It could be about an internal disorder that requires specialized treatment.
16. Bacteria that cause pimples develop the most surprising places. Use a antibacterial tissue to clean occasionally your mobile phone - you will notice that the number of pimples that appear on the part of the face that you use to talk will decrease considerably.
17. When buying skin care cosmetics, try to stop only on those that says non-comedogenic - which allow skin to function normally without blocking pores.
18. You will not believe, but experts recommend not to use foundation cream to those of us who have problems with pimples. What they recommend instead is to use a concealer - but only pimples that we want to cover.
19. Squeezing pimples will only do more harm and increase the infection on your skin which means that the pimples will not disappear too soon. Also this nasty habit can lead to rapid multiplication of the number of pimples, by spreading infection in the area around the squeezed pimples. Just do not do It!
20. Sometimes treatments for pimples can leave the area around the pimples dry. So be sure to apply cream or lotion only on the pimples.
21. Your lips also need attention. A weekly scrub will make them very soft and appealing.
22. Skins prone to pimples or blackheads need every once in a while an antibacterial mask. Take a break from chemicals and try a mask based on tea tree oil - a natural antibacterial.
23. To benefit fully from the effects of treatments, always start with a serious of clearing session.
24. Steam relaxes the pores and liquefy the sebum, leading to its removal and thus to release the pores. Fill a pot with boiling water and stay above it about 10 minutes. Then clean your face with cold water to close pores. These are some great tricks to use if you want to get rid of acne one and for all, but you must know that if you really want to be very effective you should have a guide to take you by the hand and show you what to do.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Losing Weight Tips

1. Dine Out the Right Way: When you eat out at restaurants it's easy to get caught in a web of temptations. So, instead of sitting in the middle of the table, try and sit as far to the end as you can. This will help you avoid all the appetizers that are served to the group so that you can stay strong and eat only what you can on your diet.
It's also important to order a salad to go with your meal, as this will help you eat less of your main dish. Just make sure to order the dressing on the side so that you can eat less of it.
2. Drink Water: While water might be great for your body, it's also great for weight loss! Sip on some water or suck on some ice throughout the day and you will eat far less than you normally do. Water makes you feel full and hydrates you, and the best part is that it's zero calories!
3. Exercise Whenever Possible: When you move your body around you will burn calories, so moving as often as you can is important! For example, instead of sitting on the couch watching television, jog in place or walk slowly on the treadmill. These things won't wear you out and they will help you lose a lot of weight over time. You could even just make a point to do 15 jumping jacks every hour and you will be burning additional calories. Or instead of using the elevator at the mall, take the stairs. Every bit of physical activity each day is not only important, but simply an example of many weight loss tricks.
4. Use Smaller Plates: Portion sizes in this country have gotten out of control and most people don't realize what a regular portion size really is. By using smaller plates you will think you are eating more food, when in reality you are eating less! Your mind will trick you into eating less, which will make a big difference with your overall food intake each day.
5. Drink Sensibly: Instead of drinking sodas or calorie-laden coffee drinks, try to drink diet beverages or water. You can cut hundreds of calories per day by swapping out unhealthy drinks for those that are a little bit better for you. There are a lot of low or zero calorie alternatives out there; all you have to do is find them. You can lose several pounds per year just by doing this and you probably won't even struggle with the change.
6. Weigh Yourself: Weight sneaks up on us because we overindulge and stop weighing ourselves. So, instead of skipping the scale in the bathroom, weigh yourself on a weekly basis. This will help you keep your weight in mind when you are eating, even if you don't realize it.

Tuesday, 2 July 2013

Staying healthy

Staying healthy – the basics

Staying healthy isn’t just about eating fruit occasionally or playing sport at the weekend. It’s about doing the right thing by your body every day. There are a few things to think about but once you get into healthy patterns it’s well worth it.
  • Keeping active can help you stay physically fit and mentally healthy, lifting your mood, increasing energy, improving sleep and increasing well-being.
  • Good food is important in maintaining mental health as well as physical health. In general, eating a nourishing diet can improve your overall sense of well-being.
  • A good night’s sleep gives the body a chance to recharge.
  • Stress can have a negative effect on your mental and physical health so it’s important to talk to someone if something is troubling you.
  • Avoiding alcohol or drugs is good for your health, as they can have negative effects on your mind as well as your body.

Getting enough sleep

Sleep is important to help our bodies recover and recharge. But sometimes sleep patterns can be interrupted, say through sickness or stress. This can make it hard to get to sleep, to sleep well, or to sleep for as long as usual. When it comes down to it, it’s not the length of sleep that matters. It’s how good the sleep is for your body and whether you’re getting ‘deep sleep’.
If you’re not sleeping well and feeling tired in the day there are lots of things you can do to improve the quality of your sleep. When you wake up in the morning, get up, go outside and do something active. Don’t nap during the day and avoid drinks that contain caffeine after about 4:00pm. Try not to go to bed too early and give yourself time to wind down before you go to bed.

Managing stress

Stress is a normal part of daily life. It’s a natural physical and mental response needed to help you cope with emergencies and to perform at your best. But when stress is regular and doesn’t let up, it can damage your physical and mental health. Don’t wait for stress to get so bad that you start feeling depressed or helpless.
Try to work out what’s troubling you and then talk to someone who can help. Talking to a friend or family member is a good way to start. Or you may want to talk to a teacher or school counsellor, especially if you’re worried about exams or schoolwork. A doctor can help with a health concern that is causing you stress.

Avoiding drugs and alcohol

Taking drugs or drinking alcohol may seem like fun and a good way to take your mind off things or spend time with friends. But, sooner or later, drug and alcohol use has negative effects on your mind as well as your body. They can contribute to, or trigger, mental health problems in some young people. And if you have an existing mental health problem and use alcohol or drugs, it can cause more problems than either issue on its own.